Kamis, 29 September 2011

Tauran Students and Reporters

Tauran students and reporters should have such things should not happen. Usually his fellow students brawl. But why this time instead tawurannya between Students and Journalists how come?

This brawl involving a group of students and journalists. Police had released three warning shots to disperse the crowd.

Based pantaun Tempo, brawl happened at about 14:30, to coincide with school hours disbanded. At that time dozens of reporters were gathered in front of the SMA 6 for coverage. Coverage is related action against a reporter beating Trans 7, which allegedly carried out a school student.

When hundreds of students emerged from the school gate, a reporter to identify students who did the beating of his colleagues. Somehow after the uproar and led to a fight.

Because outnumbered, the journalists away in the direction Bulungan. However, there have been waiting for hundreds of students who also attacked the reporters.

The police are already on guard at the site immediately moved to block the mass. When news is reported, the reporter was away at Police Headquarters.


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